♥️ What we do: Aiba – safe digital lives ♥️

We create safe digital lives for kids and young people through real-time detection of fake profiles, grooming and toxicity in online games and social media.

We have spent time visualize our mission, and you can see the result in our Aiba the scary movie and the documentary of Aiba and NTNU (video) in Reuters series 50 Leaders of Change.

🥷 We are growing & hiring 🥷

Congratulations to Sushma who defended her PhD on Tuesday, this was a milestone for her and a great day for us all!

We still have room for more: If you or someone you know of has a background from B2B Saas sales and gaming/social media industry you should contact us immediately! And of course – we are constantly looking for  data scientists that fits the team, please reach out if you want to make the world to a better place!

☕️ Meet us & like us 😍

Courios about who we are, what we are passionate about and what we do next? You can meet us on the following events

Hege Tokerud, CEO Aiba AS, hege@aiba.ai